
Friday, March 8, 2013

App v.1.0 Launched past Saturday's!!, but...

Yeah, I know what you may think about this..."What?You've been nervous about the launching of the app, the app is on the app store for 5 days and you didn't say anything until now??"...well, yes, here goes my apologies....
To put on perspective, the wednesday of the past week, I went for a leisure journey to Tenerife (part of the Canary Islands, Spain). My gf and I needed that holidays, she finished the Mining Engineering career! Congratulations! and I was having a lot of non-stop weeks with my work, my volleyball team... and the app, hehe. So, on saturday's morning, while having breakfast in the hotel, I checked the mail and for my surprise, the app was on iTunes Store!!! the first thing I did was downloading the app....but....(yes, the "BUT") ...when I began a new game I saw the thing most feared for every developer...a clearly visible BUG on a release version, d'oh!
Well, the bug in fact is probably not seen as that, but I must be honest, you're not supposed to play without a ghost board that only Jennifer Love Hewitt can see...

What do you think?....horrible, isn't it? after all of the effort I put into the boards...I did more than 30 to finally select one of them!, and I deleted it accidentally on the last checking previous to uploading...thanks it's only a bug for iphone devices...
But the good news are that the v1.01 was sent to iTunes for approval last sunday, so I hope this weekend will be on the appstore ready for downloading!!

You can put any other bug you see on the comments, and I will try to fix it as soon as possible.
Have a good day!

Sunday, February 24, 2013

Sudokilite 1.0 has launched for Apple's approval!

This afternoon, after retouching a little the layout on iPhone's 5 retina display, finally I've sent the app to iTunes Store for approval. I'm very nervous (It's my first app for the app store), but I hope everything will be fine and soon I will have my app in the app universe.

For me is a big achievement, I had to dedicate time for the app after work and training, so it has been a very delayed development spending a lot of days less than half an hour in this app.
I hope the reviewing process completes successfully in a short time and I will dedicate the app to the people that has supported me during the last months.